Let me kick off by acknowledging that creatively the past couple of weeks have been unkind and really just filled with uncertainty, loss and a negative bank balance. I think it is safe to say that 2020 gave us all that it could, and then some – I really am just living for better days, readjusting my goals according to this apparent “new normal” because at this rate, I don’t know who’s going to make it.
What I am learning as an independent artist and entrepreneur is that most of our experiences up to the moments we feel we have “made it” are going to appear tedious, depressing and slow – a real challenge! Sometimes we go about our business forgetting that our seemingly brilliant ideas, dreams and aspirations can and will be challenged and that it is when we are challenged that we experience the essence (or lack thereof) of our varied contributions.
The covid-19 pandemic shook the creative and entertainment industry hard with so many artists out of work and without any income. We in the event organizing business also experienced major hardships of little to no cash flow, and a difficulty raking in desired numbers as we imagined people were prioritizing their livelihoods as oppose to attending to their entertainment inclinations. Restrictions also kept much of our ambitions at bay, living month to month – wondering when the country would be “open for business” again.

So 2020 has been quite the adventure, and because we couldn’t secure our bags as per most of our expectations – better take these lessons, right?
Be aware of time and space – Appreciating time and space also gives us a sense of whether or not we have laid a foundation on conducive ground because ultimately, great ideas need to stand on solid ground. It’s imperative that we put ourselves in positions which allow us to pivot should the need arise.
A great job is a great job – More often than not we realize most of our efforts are valid when we have people around us to agree with us. We forget that effort is effort whether people see us or not, that we have outdone ourselves either way. It is important to remind yourself that you will grow – with or without an audience.
Feelings are fleeting – I have learned that feelings are fleeting, they shift and change every so often and that it is unwise to hold on to them. I am learning that we can only be one with the flow of change, and with the flow that comes with change. We can only align our energies and feelings accordingly when we submit to the fact that change is constant and feelings aren’t.
Loss is inevitable – We all lose sooner or later but that doesn’t mean that we should define ourselves according to those losses. Sometimes the best you can do is take the lesson and let it guide you in any future escapade.